Six Sentence Sunday, Jan 8 (Not My Apocalypse)
Mew-Mew closed his eyes, and I felt his life slip away. He was too young, and I loved him too much and I wasn’t going to let some asshole in an SUV take him away from me. So I pushed his soul back into his body. I don’t know how I did it, but he started breathing again. I looked at the damage to his body and I knew he couldn’t stay like that. He asked me what was going on and I told him I wasn’t going to let him die.
Other snippets from other authors at the Six Sentence Sunday site.
Intriguing! Enjoying the excerpts from this, great voice. How the heck is she going to repair the body?
I was thinking the same thing as Angela. I hope that her pushing his soul back doesn’t make things worse. And how does she push the soul back? This is a really good way to pull in a reader.
Wow, it would be cool if this could be done in real life. 🙂
Interesting voice on this, that’s for sure! Well done. 🙂
Wow. Just wow.
Because you’ve pulled off the feat of making the metaphysical thoroughly physical, kinesthetic… you GO.
And in six sentences, no less.
I love this scene. I can hear that the voice is young – and married to that kind of power… He’s one scary cool narrator.